Ordering Information
Can we order sibling pictures together?

Yes! Under Access code login, click on "Did you receive another access code?". You can enter a maximum of five access codes at the same time. This will unlock all available photos. You can order combined and save any shipping costs.
I received an access card with an access code - how can I order photos?

If you have received an access card with a personal access code, click on "ACCESS CODE LOGIN" in the main menu, then enter the access code and then click on "Open Album".
I received an email with access data - how can I order photos?

If you have received an e-mail with access data, then click on the button in the e-mail, which will take you to the album. You will then be taken to the "Customer Login" page. Enter your access data here, i.e. e-mail address and the password that you have received.
Where can we see the status of our order such as receipt of money, production or shipping date?

The easiest way is to click on the link in your order email. Alternatively, you can log in with a password and your e-mail address at "PASSWORD LOGIN" under "Customer login". The order details can then be found under "My Account".

Or contact us personally: info@jostfotografie.ch or by telephone on 031 992 06 79
How long does the delivery take?

The delivery time depends on the payment method. When paying by bank credit card, the order is processed directly. Payments in advance usually take longer. On the other hand, the delivery time depends on the selected products and delivery conditions. (Collective order school or direct home delivery).
Will the logo (watermark) be removed from the image?

Naturally! The watermark is only used to protect against illegal downloads.
What is the quality of prints, posters, etc.?

We are an independent specialist shop and produce all products ourselves in Bern-Bümpliz. We use high-quality materials from well-known suppliers in order not to compromise on quality. Should an error nevertheless occur, we will of course take care of it.
I rarely order online - how can I order photos here?

In the photo albums, select your photos and click on it. Then select the product of your choice, enter the number and click on the button: "Add to shopping cart". Once you have placed all the photos in the shopping cart, click on "Shopping Cart" at the top right and follow the further instructions.


Photos available online for 1 month

The watermark on the photos is for protection only. If you order the photos, the watermark on the photos will be removed. Both for downloads and print products.